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Who We Are What we're All About

- Gio's Automotive  - Gatineau/Ottawa's newest 

European Auto repair shop!

Having been in the industry for well over a decade, and having been directly involved and responsible for the success of multiple new automotive shops in Gatineau/Ottawa, Gio's Auto has set in motion the beginning of what we believe will revolutionize the auto repair industry.


Carmakers develop and push the boundaries of technology to improve the safety, reliability, and comfort of their buyers The same technology is drawing a wedge between the old school auto shops, from the new school auto shops.


Technicians are no longer simply replacing mechanical auto-parts using wrenches, but rather using computers and a plethora of electronic devices to diagnose and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.


Image by Martin Katler

In addition to the complex and modern technology, auto-repair shops must also adapt and find better ways to serve their customers. The age of handwritten repair orders and appointment reminders written on business cards has long gone. 


Auto shops that fail to adapt to the new way, will unfortunately suffer negative and catastrophic effects. 

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